Meditation II – Heart/Brain Coherence
If you receive nothing from my entire web except Heart/Brain Coherence as inspiration and a take-home practice, your entire visit will have been worth while. Not only will this practice transform you, through practicing it you will be contributing to world peace.
Acknowledgment: I learned the Heart/Brain Coherence practice from Gregg Braden ( – book: Human by Design). The HeartMath® Institute has documented research on this over the past 30 years. Gregg teaches with their permission:
Our heart is a sensory organ. Indigenous people have always known that our primary brain is in the heart. Cardiologists have documented over 40,000 neurons in the heart. This ‘brain in the heart’ allows the heart to learn, feel, sense, remember, and interact with conscious intent, memory and purpose. Sensing and feeling are this brain’s primary modalities. It processes information at a far faster rate than our ‘head’ brain, and communicates what it perceives via bioelectromagnetic energy fields and via the Vagus nerve to the brain in the head.
Heart/Brain Coherence boosts your immune system, and it brings the Autonomic Nervous System into balance: giving parasympathetic (your regenerative ANS) and sympathetic (your fight/flight ANS) systems equal valence. Most of us in the modern world are over-stressed for one reason or another and are sympathetic dominant. Furthermore, this practice awakens longevity enzymes in your body; it increases your Heart Rate Variability – and HRV is associated with resilience to change.
The active benefit of this practice is that it gives you a hot line access to your subconscious, to conscious precognition and deep states of intuition. YES!
By holding this meditative state of Heart/Brain Coherence for as short a time as 3 minutes, the effects will last for up to 6 hours. DHEA, which is a precursor of every one of our hormones, increases by 100%, and cortisol (our stress hormone) levels decrease by 23%.
I do this practice daily, first thing in the morning before I get out of bed.
I also do it in bed at night, last thing before I go to sleep, and with grace at least once during the day. I recommend you start doing the same thing. The saying goes: as neurons fire together they wire together.
This practice creates wellness-promoting neural pathways in your brain. A few weeks after I started this practice, as soon as I would start, my entire chest would fill with a feeling of overflowing joy.
Monks, nuns, indigenous leaders and healers all begin whatever practice they are doing by harmonizing themselves first.
Here’s your ‘cheat/sheet' for how to achieve H/B coherence:
Heart/Brain Coherence is used in all five branches of the US Armed Services, it is used to increase achievement levels for Olympic Athletes; and as a recovery practice for first responders, police and fire-fighters. Needless to say it is also palliative for PTSD survivors.
This practice is a meditation. In altered states it is not a bad thing if your mind wanders – that is ‘normal’. It is when you try to fight your wandering mind or hang onto whatever it is focusing on, that you actually give these random thoughts reinforcement and meaning to be there. Let the thoughts go where they want to and keep your focus in your heart and the appreciative, caring compassionate, feeling of gratitude with which you are infusing it, and the thoughts will cease to arise, because they have no reason (your resistance) to exist.
As we do this practice, it connects us with all that is un-manifest in the quantum field. We can consciously plant seeds of inspiration or intent into this field for enhanced awakening, or for problem-solving and for manifestation. The more one plants a particular intention, accompanied by the enhanced emotion of this practice, the more you reinforce these particular neural pathways in your brain, allowing the good-feeling pathways to be reinforced and to replace the old trauma pathways.
The heart is the first organ to function when we are in utero.
According to Rollin McCraty, Director of Research at the Institute of HeartMath®, the bioelectromagnetic field of the heart is about 5000 times stronger than that of the cranial brain. It interacts with and permeates every cell of our bodies. McCraty explains how the heart carries out the bioelectromagnetic interactions within and between people. For example, our physiological systems are interacting in subtle and surprising ways, even when we are not consciously communicating with the other person -- and across vast distances.
Can it be true that indeed we are all connected? That all Life is connected?
• Mothers know when their child has been killed in action on the other side of the world.
• Our Native peoples fast and pray before the hunt – connecting their heart with the soul of the animal who will feed the tribe, asking permission.
• You often know who is ringing you before you pick up the phone to see who is there.
The electromagnetic signal produced by our heart is registered in the brain waves of people around us. The heart is in fact an important carrier of emotional information and a key mediator of energetic interactions between all living things. Research has documented that the heart receives and responds to intuitive information.
When the energy of our hearts is coherent, our bodies change, as do our lives.
Given this, we can make a difference to the quality of life on this our beautiful mother planet.
You may wish to follow this practice with say five to ten minutes of deep and fast chest breathing. We free chemicals (associated with emotions) from past trauma by flooding the body with O2. O2 allows the neuropeptides that carry the old traumatic emotion and memories to flow freely in the blood stream. Feelings are chemicals being freed and moving out of the body – you healing you by allowing your emotions to freely flow. Results in a feeling of lightness and freedom.
If you follow this link: you will discover HeartMath® research that documents that when large parts of the population go into heart/brain coherence at the same time (as when the planes struck the World Trade Center 9/11/01), they resonate with each other. That heightened resonance shows up as an increased magnetism all around the planet. The higher the planet’s magnetic field, the more ease, harmony and peace there is on the planet. In the 70’s, before they could measure the earth’s electromagnetic resonance, there was an experiment that was repeated many times, In this experiment, a certain number of meditators would be planted in a large metropolis for say two weeks at a time. During those two weeks’ time, all acts of crime were found to reduce significantly. The lower the electromagnetic resonance of the earth is (and it has slowly been falling over the past 20 years or so), the more friction and anger is expressed, mass shootings increase in number, and war and atrocities to humanity are prevalent.
If you receive nothing from my entire web except Heart/Brain Coherence as inspiration and a take-home practice, your entire visit will have been worth while. Not only will this practice transform you, through practicing it you will be contributing to world peace.
Acknowledgment: I learned the Heart/Brain Coherence practice from Gregg Braden ( – book: Human by Design). The HeartMath® Institute has documented research on this over the past 30 years. Gregg teaches with their permission:
Our heart is a sensory organ. Indigenous people have always known that our primary brain is in the heart. Cardiologists have documented over 40,000 neurons in the heart. This ‘brain in the heart’ allows the heart to learn, feel, sense, remember, and interact with conscious intent, memory and purpose. Sensing and feeling are this brain’s primary modalities. It processes information at a far faster rate than our ‘head’ brain, and communicates what it perceives via bioelectromagnetic energy fields and via the Vagus nerve to the brain in the head.
Heart/Brain Coherence boosts your immune system, and it brings the Autonomic Nervous System into balance: giving parasympathetic (your regenerative ANS) and sympathetic (your fight/flight ANS) systems equal valence. Most of us in the modern world are over-stressed for one reason or another and are sympathetic dominant. Furthermore, this practice awakens longevity enzymes in your body; it increases your Heart Rate Variability – and HRV is associated with resilience to change.
The active benefit of this practice is that it gives you a hot line access to your subconscious, to conscious precognition and deep states of intuition. YES!
By holding this meditative state of Heart/Brain Coherence for as short a time as 3 minutes, the effects will last for up to 6 hours. DHEA, which is a precursor of every one of our hormones, increases by 100%, and cortisol (our stress hormone) levels decrease by 23%.
I do this practice daily, first thing in the morning before I get out of bed.
I also do it in bed at night, last thing before I go to sleep, and with grace at least once during the day. I recommend you start doing the same thing. The saying goes: as neurons fire together they wire together.
This practice creates wellness-promoting neural pathways in your brain. A few weeks after I started this practice, as soon as I would start, my entire chest would fill with a feeling of overflowing joy.
Monks, nuns, indigenous leaders and healers all begin whatever practice they are doing by harmonizing themselves first.
Here’s your ‘cheat/sheet' for how to achieve H/B coherence:
Heart/Brain Coherence is used in all five branches of the US Armed Services, it is used to increase achievement levels for Olympic Athletes; and as a recovery practice for first responders, police and fire-fighters. Needless to say it is also palliative for PTSD survivors.
This practice is a meditation. In altered states it is not a bad thing if your mind wanders – that is ‘normal’. It is when you try to fight your wandering mind or hang onto whatever it is focusing on, that you actually give these random thoughts reinforcement and meaning to be there. Let the thoughts go where they want to and keep your focus in your heart and the appreciative, caring compassionate, feeling of gratitude with which you are infusing it, and the thoughts will cease to arise, because they have no reason (your resistance) to exist.
As we do this practice, it connects us with all that is un-manifest in the quantum field. We can consciously plant seeds of inspiration or intent into this field for enhanced awakening, or for problem-solving and for manifestation. The more one plants a particular intention, accompanied by the enhanced emotion of this practice, the more you reinforce these particular neural pathways in your brain, allowing the good-feeling pathways to be reinforced and to replace the old trauma pathways.
The heart is the first organ to function when we are in utero.
According to Rollin McCraty, Director of Research at the Institute of HeartMath®, the bioelectromagnetic field of the heart is about 5000 times stronger than that of the cranial brain. It interacts with and permeates every cell of our bodies. McCraty explains how the heart carries out the bioelectromagnetic interactions within and between people. For example, our physiological systems are interacting in subtle and surprising ways, even when we are not consciously communicating with the other person -- and across vast distances.
Can it be true that indeed we are all connected? That all Life is connected?
• Mothers know when their child has been killed in action on the other side of the world.
• Our Native peoples fast and pray before the hunt – connecting their heart with the soul of the animal who will feed the tribe, asking permission.
• You often know who is ringing you before you pick up the phone to see who is there.
The electromagnetic signal produced by our heart is registered in the brain waves of people around us. The heart is in fact an important carrier of emotional information and a key mediator of energetic interactions between all living things. Research has documented that the heart receives and responds to intuitive information.
When the energy of our hearts is coherent, our bodies change, as do our lives.
Given this, we can make a difference to the quality of life on this our beautiful mother planet.
You may wish to follow this practice with say five to ten minutes of deep and fast chest breathing. We free chemicals (associated with emotions) from past trauma by flooding the body with O2. O2 allows the neuropeptides that carry the old traumatic emotion and memories to flow freely in the blood stream. Feelings are chemicals being freed and moving out of the body – you healing you by allowing your emotions to freely flow. Results in a feeling of lightness and freedom.
If you follow this link: you will discover HeartMath® research that documents that when large parts of the population go into heart/brain coherence at the same time (as when the planes struck the World Trade Center 9/11/01), they resonate with each other. That heightened resonance shows up as an increased magnetism all around the planet. The higher the planet’s magnetic field, the more ease, harmony and peace there is on the planet. In the 70’s, before they could measure the earth’s electromagnetic resonance, there was an experiment that was repeated many times, In this experiment, a certain number of meditators would be planted in a large metropolis for say two weeks at a time. During those two weeks’ time, all acts of crime were found to reduce significantly. The lower the electromagnetic resonance of the earth is (and it has slowly been falling over the past 20 years or so), the more friction and anger is expressed, mass shootings increase in number, and war and atrocities to humanity are prevalent.